A Note of Thanks…

A Note of Thanks…

This is a thank you note for all those who donated their resources and efforts to our endeavors in St. Croix.

Through our well-established partnership with USVI Lutheran Social Services, they requested us to bring them donations of school supplies for the children staying in the Queen Louise residence. With part of the donation money we received, we were able to buy about 15 children’s board books and picture books mainly written by Caribbean authors.  These were enthusiastically received by the Early Head Start children (ages 0-3) and their teachers.


Generous donations also allowed our group to purchase a significant number of school supplies, in addition to the supplies that were donated.  If your interested in totals, our group purchased 96 highlighters, 100 folders, 360 pencils, 120 markers, and 150 notebooks.  This does not include all of the wonderful donations we received in one of our collection boxes.  Other school supply donations included coloring books, crayons, backpacks, play dough, pencil sharpeners, colored pencils, binders, and many other items.


Thanks so much. We had a lot of excited kids and happy teachers!

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